That magnificent face forest you've cultivated presents unique mealtime challenges. Your beard and mustache, badges of honor though they may be, turn ordinary eating and drinking into obstacle courses the baby-faced masses will never comprehend.
I've stumbled through countless embarrassing moments before mastering the art of dignified dining with facial hair. We’ve all faced the challenges and witnessed the unfortunate outcomes. The beard meetups at Bdubs within the community have been very interesting.
Let me share what I’ve painfully learned so you won’t repeat my mistakes.
Straws: Not Just for Milkshakes Anymore
My mustache discovery moment happened at a business lunch when I took a generous sip of iced tea, then watched in horror as brown droplets fell from my facial hair onto important documents. Never again.
Straws became my salvation. At first, I felt silly asking for one with beverages that don’t typically require it. The bartender smirked, but my dignity remained intact, and my mustache stayed dry. Worth it.
Now, I keep metal straws everywhere—car, desk, backpack. They’ve saved me from countless messes and awkward moments. My coffee tumbler with a straw lid means I no longer perform the post-sip napkin dab dance during morning meetings.
Pro tip: Those fancy cocktail spots with paper straws that disintegrate? Bring your own collapsible metal straw. You might look pretentious pulling it from your pocket, but not as pretentious as sporting a mojito-soaked mustache all evening.
Utensils: Your Beard's Best Defense
"Real men eat ribs with their hands!" Maybe so, but real bearded men know better.
I learned this lesson at a barbecue when I discovered pulled pork hiding in my beard—three hours after lunch. That was fun. And those Instagram-worthy, towering burger bites? Pure beard sabotage.
My approach now:
- I cut pizza into fork-friendly pieces despite my Italian ancestors rolling in their graves
- Wings? Carefully stripped with a fork—or honestly, I just risk it all with them
- Tacos? Not a huge problem, but I do love a burrito bowl
- Ice cream cones? Abandoned for cups with spoons
Friends sometimes tease. "Using a fork for that sandwich, seriously?" Yes, seriously. While they’re in the bathroom scrubbing buffalo sauce from their mustaches, I’m ordering another round—beard pristine.
The Buddy System: Reliable Reconnaissance
Even the most vigilant bearded fellows miss things. That’s where trusted allies become invaluable.
My wife and I developed subtle signals years ago. She touches her nose if mine needs attention. Taps her right cheek if something’s stuck in my beard. Or just gives me the look and a quick nod. These quiet communications have saved me from countless embarrassments.
Solo dining requires adaptation. I’ve mastered the casual phone check—that’s actually a beard inspection via selfie mode. Strategic seating near reflective surfaces helps too: windows, chrome napkin holders, even the back of a well-polished spoon.
Recently, at a lunch meeting, I positioned my water glass to monitor my reflection. Excessive? Maybe. But when my non-bearded friend complimented my "meticulous attention to detail" before offering me a job, I had to wonder… coincidence? Perhaps not.
Post-Meal Recovery: Tactical Cleanup
Despite all precautions, some meals demand damage control. I’ve refined a post-dining ritual that salvages dignity without drawing attention:
- After particularly messy meals (anything involving sauces or crumbs), a quick bathroom check allows for assessment and correction
- I carry a mini beard comb that has saved me countless times
- For serious situations, dampened paper towels work wonders
- My messenger bag contains emergency supplies: a compact beard brush, pocket comb, and even travel beard wash
Excessive preparation? Not when you’ve discovered marinara in your beard during an important livestream or business call.
Final Thoughts
Embracing facial magnificence comes with added responsibility. The bearded life demands vigilance and preparation—especially around food and drink.
With practice, these strategies become second nature. Mishaps will still happen, and humility is key to the bearded journey. But armed with straws, utensils, allies, and aftermath protocols, you’ll navigate dining challenges with confidence.
Remember—your beard is a walking billboard for how you care for yourself.
Now go forth and feast fearlessly, bearded brethren. Just keep that straw handy.